Buying & Selling
› What is the difference between an internet real estate agent and traditional local real estate agent?
An internet broker only helps with placing a property on the internet and sometimes also a part of the sales process. In general, they do not have extensive local knowledge. Usually no real estate agent will visit you (except sometimes a national appraiser) and during the process you cannot consult with a locally known real estate agent or a real estate agent who has also seen you and your house. That makes it a lot more difficult. The less you pay, the less you can expect. An additional disadvantage is that you have to pay in advance and only find out later that you are missing support. A local broker costs more, but then you leave nothing to chance and you have an expert sparring partner and guidance and you are more unburdened. This always pays off. Particularly in the negotiation, a local broker can achieve a much better sales result due to his / her knowledge and contact with the viewers and bidders and contact with you as a seller. So make sure you realize and consider all these points before you make a choice. Also pay attention to the success rate (the number of homes for sale vs the number of homes sold last year)! The average of (randstad) local NVM brokers = 1:2.20 and for NVM internet brokers 1:0.75. That is almost 3 times as low, so apparently homes are for sale for much longer or some may not even be sold. According to research by Dat Huis, the average sales proceeds are 5% higher with a full-service broker.