Many people do not dare to buy a home before their own home has been sold and therefore do not switch to another home in advance. If you buy with the NVM No-Risk clause, you can often make that switch.
The NVM No-Risk clause is a resolutive condition. This condition prevents the buyer from being faced with double burdens.
The buyer can cancel the purchase if the sale of his current home takes unexpectedly longer. The seller must of course first agree to this resolutive condition in the purchase agreement. During the term of the NVM No-Risk clause, the buyer will do everything possible to sell his house. During that time, the seller will continue to sell the house that has already been sold.
If the seller finds another buyer who wants to buy the house under the same conditions, without the No Risk clause, the first buyer is given time to make the purchase final or to cancel the purchase agreement. In the latter case, the seller then sells the house to the second buyer.