What is a bid log?

As of January 1, we as an NVM broker are obliged to use a bidding log. In the overwrought housing market of recent years, society has lost confidence in the integrity of the buying process. Trust can be restored by offering more transparency and clear rules.

The bidding log clearly shows what has been bid on a property. If you have bid yourself, you can request the bidding log later. This will then be shared with you after the home has been definitively sold. Please note, if you have not bid on the property, you cannot request the bidding log. This way you get a fair picture of the market.
The following is always in a bid log:
- The amount offered;
- Whether there have been any reservations (for example, for financing or a construction inspection);
- Whether the bidder has written a personal message;
- The time we received the bid.
- Which bid ultimately became the buyer and for what amount.

Would you like to know more about the bidding log?
Please feel free to contact us, we are happy to help you!


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